This season we are pleased to announce that the team will be joined by Biomechanics & Short game specialist Jussi Pitkanen at various points throughout the season. Jussi is a Fellow Professional Member of the PGA of Great Britain and Ireland. Jussi provides 3D motion capture analysis for golfers in order to help maximise performance, avoid injury and guide their coaching process. Jussi has consulted successful tour players, high level amateurs and aspiring golfers on their performance.
Jussi currently works as Team Finland Ladies and girls coach, and has formerly been Team Iceland Head Coach, Senior Instructor for Dave Pelz Golf, PGA GB&I Coach Education Manager and is a member of the CPG (Confederation of Professional Golf) Golf Development Team.
Jussi's specialities include:
3D Motion Capture & Analysis
Analysing your swing using industry leading Bull 3D motion capture system which allows real-time measurement & analysis of various parts of the body (head, shoulders, arms, hips, hands, club, etc.). This measurement system is coupled with a capacity for biofeedback training is proven to speed up the learning process, and answer and questions you may have on your golf swing.
Short game & Performance Coaching
After working with world renowned short game coach Dave Pelz for a number of year's, Jussi has developed an outstanding reputation for improving and developing peoples skills around the green. Jussi aims to allow you to be at your best under pressure in an uncomfortable environment, and as such helps you create an environment that should reflect these conditions in practice.
Availability & Booking
Jussi will be available for Individual sessions from November 8th 2021 to November 25th 2021.
To book a time simply contact
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