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Nathan Kernaghan

Teaching Professional

Nathan’s passion lies in the short game, believing that all golfers of any ability can learn to chip and pitch the ball with a high level of proficiency.


Whether you are a tournament golfer or a weekend warrior Nathan feels that he can sharpen anyone’s game around the green and shave valuable shots off their score. There is a lot of misinformation and confusion out there when it comes to short game and Nathan believes that the short game should be made as simple as it can be.


You should leave a lesson with the confidence to execute many different shots that you have in your arsenal and feel ready to take these skills to the golf course and ultimately turn 3 shots into 2 when you are scrambling around the green.

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MENS Supervised practise

120 AED per session


Starting 1st November for 6 weeks. 


Individual 50 Minute Lesson

550 AED



6 Lesson Player Development Package 2970 AED

1 Months Practice Included


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